The composters of Strasbourg

The story

Every earthworm is happy about the work that Sikle does daily, weekly, annually with its eCARLAs and cargo bikes. Sikle makes the impossible possible and collects compost from restaurants, households and kitchens all over Strasbourg by bike and is becoming increasingly successful with over 13 employees and an impressive fleet of 6 eCARLAS (and growing). Even before organic waste was banned in normal household waste in France (at the beginning of 2024), Sikle relied on ecologically sensible and also very efficient logistics with the help of eCARLAs and cargo bikes. The load limit is fully utilized every day and we at CARLA CARGO can gain valuable experience and make improvements in the immediate vicinity.

The Setup

Organic waste is collected in the classic way using foldable Euronorm boxes. These are exchanged weekly at the customer's premises in a similar way to a vegetable crate. The crates are extremely robust and can be used in different ways depending on the requirements. Sikle now exclusively uses a combination of cargo bike, eCARLA and crates. Several such teams set out every morning to collect the valuable compost. Sometimes, on long routes with a lot of cycle path width, they even ride as a train consisting of two CARLAs one behind the other.

10 tons of compost every week!

tons per year
Crew members
start year with CARLA

The composters of Strasbourg

You probably know how exhausting it is to make deliveries in the city with a delivery van. Joakim and Henri show you step by step how flexibly they use CARLA as a bicycle trailer for heavy loads. Sikle collects large quantities of organic waste with the cargo bike and the cargo trailer. Compost is transported in Strasbourg every day. For Sikle, the use of CARLA is faster and much more efficient than a delivery van. In addition, thanks to CARLA CARGO, transportation is environmentally friendly, easy and a lot of fun.

We have been using two eCarla's intensively for the past two years. Easy to handle, very flexible to go anywhere, reliable. We are very happy with our choice!

Joakim Couchoud, Sikle Straßbourg

THANK YOU Sikle for your commitment in Straßbourg.