You are our Heroes!

You are the force that drives us to give our best every day. You are the ones who make it possible for our CARLAs to embark on their climate-friendly mission. You are the ones who plow through the streets every day with a smile on your face in good and bad weather. It is you who never cease to amaze us and leave us speechless at what is possible with CARLA. It is you who give us and our work this deep meaning and help to make another world possible. You are our heroes! THANK YOU!

Your stories are so exciting and inspiring that we cannot withhold them from the rest of the world:

Work & Load

Compost transportation

Compost transport with Sikle

  • in Strasbourg since 2019
  • 6 eCARLAs in daily use
  • 600 tons compost / year

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Compost transportation

Transporting vegetable crates by subscription

  • in Freiburg since 1996
  • 7.5 tons of vegetables / week
  • 1500 vegetable crates / week

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Compost transportation

Bee transportation and more with Prater honey

  • in Vienna since 2022
  • 1 eCARLA in daily use
  • 100,000 bees on one CARLA

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Ecological tree care with Happy Tree Friends

  • In Bern since 2018
  • 1 eCARLA in daily use
  • 6m tree no problem

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Garden and landscape maintenance with Andreas

  • up to 2m³ load
  • 10km operating range
  • Plants and trees on CARLA

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Compost transportation

Passerine market stall

  • in Kiel since 2023
  • handmade pastries
  • Market stall built and developed by ourselves

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Compost transportation

Bee transportation and more with Prater honey

  • in Vienna since 2022
  • 1 eCARLA in daily use
  • 100,000 bees on one CARLA

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The event kitchen of the future with COOKIN'ROLL

  • in Berlin since 2019
  • 25 seats
  • 6m table

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Compost transportation

Backstone Funk & Backstein Bakery

  • in Leipzig since 2018
  • from pizza to party
  • 10 hours of ear candy
  • 6000 watts amplifier

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