„We develop, build and deliver durable, high quality and environmentally friendly transport solutions for urban areas."

We focus on people. In addition to meaningful products, it is also about dealing with yourself and those around you. The aim here is to see understanding and appreciation as a sustainable element. Only those who take their time and have the will can resolve conflicts and achieve the set goal. It is particularly important to keep this in mind in our fast paced environment. As a well-functioning team, we are only able to make the impossible possible if we deal with each other carefully. We consciously want to come in a euphoric moment of tackling and change, as this is the basis of our joint action.

It is a strive to be close to nature, because such a strong foundation and thus a connection with ourselves and nature is possible at all. This is also reflected in the products offered by CARLA CARGO. Worldwide, we have forgotten how to act in harmony with nature, which leads to a disproportionate exhaustion of our livelihood. The company CARLA CARGO manufactures products which, in addition to functionality, also serve to protect nature and whose origin and manufacture are in harmony with our vision and values.

In a kind of “grassroots policy” we take things into our own hands with concrete, practical benefits as far as we can and create direct values that can actually be touched and felt and thus have a positive and long-term effect.